Meet the new Regent, Rachel Kayman!

As this fall semester begins, we’re welcoming our newly appointed Regent, Rachel Kayman. After a long summer all of our brothers are excited to be back together!

Meet Rachel

Rachel is from Elmhurst, IL and is a Junior studying Industrial Engineering and Data Science. She chose to rush Theta Tau because of the instant connection she felt with members, and due to the pillars the Fraternity was founded on.

Experience in Theta Tau

Previously, Rachel has held the positions of brotherhood chair and scribe. After Covid, Rachel ran for brotherhood chair and emphasized bringing people back together to increase activity within the chapter. Being brotherhood chair was Rachel’s favorite position because she loves being productive and having a positive impact on the fraternity. Rachel ran for Regent because she enjoyed the combination of her two previous leadership positions.

Moving Forward

This fall, Rachel would like to make Theta Tau a more positive place for everyone by encouraging member engagement. She also wants to bring back the balance between professional development, brotherhood, and social events. 

Everyone is excited to see what this semester brings, and welcomes Rachel as Regent. Congratulations and good luck Rachel!