Meet the Regent, Anuli Steve-Chinatu!

Meet Anuli

Anuli Steve-Chinatu is a Computer Science and Psychology major from Bloomington, Minnesota. Anuli began her journey in Theta Tau when she first rushed for during her Spring semester in 2020. Anuli rushed for Theta Tau because she was inspired by other friends who were already members, and wanted to find a place to call home on campus.

Experience in Theta Tau

Prior to Theta Tau, Anuli has held leadership and service positions throughout high school. With her experience she has been able to bring her skills to the fraternity serving as Risk Management Chair, Scribe and now Regent! As a member, Anuli says that her favorite Theta Tau activities include our brotherhood events, food Fridays, and playing intramural sports. This semester, she decided to run for Regent because of the goals she had for the future of our fraternity and her passion for Theta Tau. Anuli is excited to get back to having fun and continue making connections with our brothers throughout the semester!

Moving Forward

This Spring, Anuli’s main goal is to encourage members to be active in Theta Tau events and keep up engagement. If she were to give advice to someone who is considering rushing Theta Tau in the future, she would say it is okay to rush more than once because in Theta Tau everyone becomes your best friend, and you’ll find a home here. Congrats Anuli!