About Ryan
Ryan is a junior studying Mechanical Engineering from Lake Villa, Illinois. He was a part of the Spring ‘23 Pledge Class, and has been a core member of the fraternity since. Ryan rushed with the goal of meeting more people and making new friends specifically within engineering, something he was lacking prior to joining Theta Tau. He quickly accomplished this goal, and some of his closest friends lie within the fraternity. When Ryan’s not busy with academics, he loves tinkering in UW’s makerspace, golfing with buddies, spiking volleyballs, watching football, working out, and leading his electric go-kart team.

Previous Experience
Ryan always pursues opportunities to lead and create, having important past chair positions like Professional Development and Pledge Marshal within Theta Tau. As Professional Development chair, he held workshops and events with several companies, setting up members with experience and connections for the future. He learned more about the professional world as he worked with older members and passed down knowledge to younger ones, something he feels is key in maintaining the utility of the fraternity. As Marshal, Ryan loved welcoming in younger members, seeing them come into the semester as strangers, but ending it as best friends. He created new ideas never done before as Marshal, ensuring they provided pledges with a gratifying sense of community in Theta Tau. As a member, Ryan’s favorite event is our brotherhood retreat, as it was where he first knew he belonged to Theta Tau and formed his deepest connections.

Ryan's Future
As the Spring ‘25 Regent, Ryan looks forward to running another smooth yet productive semester, focusing on pushing people – especially chair positions – to commit themselves to events and planning. Additionally, as Xi Chapter grows, he wants to develop our new sponsorship department and expand reach with chapter alumni to give greater professional opportunities to members. Ryan has always felt that Theta Tau was a welcoming and safe community for him, and he is excited to offer that same feeling to the Spring ‘25 Pledge Class. After his term as Regent, Ryan eagerly awaits his upcoming internship at Pentair in Milwaukee this summer.
We are excited to have Ryan leading Theta Tau Xi Chapter this semester, and we look forward to helping him further our fraternity’s purpose!