Meet the new Regent, Josie Beres!

This fall we’re welcoming our newly elected regent Josie Beres to kick off the semester! With COVID-19 restrictions lifting and the return of in-person events, Theta Tau is ready to get back into action.

Meet Josie

Josie Beres is an Industrial and Systems Engineering major from Waukesha, Wisconsin. Josie first rushed for Theta Tau during her fall semester as a freshman in 2018, and now she is starting this fall as a senior.

Why Theta Tau?

Josie rushed for Theta Tau because she felt that finding a group of professionally motivated and supportive individuals would help her feel a lot more connected and that she would be able to really make a difference on a big campus. She explained that Theta Tau was able to build a community for her, “It offers that perfect balance between academic and professional elements as well as social elements”.

Experience in Theta Tau

Previously Josie has held a variety of other positions within Theta Tau, such as Community Service Chair, Rush Chair, Regionals Co-Chair, Scribe, and Vice Regent. As an active member, she describes that one of her favorite experiences was planning for Regionals. Josie stated that Regional Co-Chair was one of the biggest responsibilities she has had in Theta Tau. As Regional Co-Chair, she got to interact with other chapters, learn how they operate, and use that information to improve the success of our own chapter. Josie also enjoyed working as Vice Regent last semester, helping to provide the best experience possible despite being virtual.

Josie ran for Regent because she wanted to carry forward her experiences and play a larger role in improving others’ experiences in college. Because of this past semester being limited due to COVID-19, Josie wishes to bring back and build upon the community of Theta Tau.

Moving Forward as Regent

This semester, Josie plans to bring back in-person events and reestablish a community to bring everyone together. Moving forward, Josie strives for everyone to feel really feel connected. She hopes that each individual in Theta Tau can grow even more from each other both professionally and socially, especially because of the limitations of the past virtual semesters.

Everyone is thrilled to welcome Josie as Regent and we’re excited to see what this new semester will bring for Theta Tau. Congrats and good luck Josie!