The Internet of Things

During this semester, Heeirun Jayakumar, chair of our Profession Development team, held a workshop for members to learn more about the “Internet of Things”. During the workshop, Heeirun led a presentation as well as had the members participate in a project using the skills they learned. Heeirun talks about the event more in detail:

What is the Internet of Things?

“The Internet of Things (IoT) is the system of interrelated sensors and actuators found in or on machines, objects, animals or people which have the ability to transfer data over a network.”

What did PD teach at the IoT workshop?

“I started off the presentation with an overview of the Internet of things (IoT) and how I got into the industry thanks to my internship with Xperanti back in Malaysia. I also defined IoT as the interconnection, via the internet, of computing devices embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data, with computing devices being split into two categories, sensors and actuators.

I then defined sensors and actuators with some examples to help the participants get a grasp of this concept as it is a fundamental concept to understand when it comes to IoT.

Next the participants were shown an example of the implementation of IoT with sensors and actuators in the manufacturing and insurance industry.

The participants were then given a big picture view of how all IoT devices connect to form bigger systems of connected devices resulting in smart cities. The were also exposed to the idea of data and its value in the future where there will a plethora of devices collecting data endlessly.”

Using Their Skills

“In the last part of the presentation, the participants were required to build their own use case for the implementation of IoT to help the frat. The team came up with sensors and actuators that improved security at the Theta Tau house.

The purpose of this workshop was to equip my fellow peers with knowledge and skills which I found useful during my internship. I do hope that by the end of this workshop, the participants would have a clearer picture on the IoT industry and how it is going to impact their lives.”

– Heeirun Jayakumar