
Last Thursday, the brotherhood chair, Jasmine Shah, planned a brotherhood event to go ice skating at the Shell during one of its Late Night Skate events. Jasmine talks about her job as brotherhood chair:

“Part of the purpose of Theta Tau is to unite brothers in a strong bond of fraternal fellowship to create a stronger network of friends and peers. From trips to picnic point on sunny days to skating during colder nights, there are so many opportunities at UW-Madison in which members can come together to take a break from studying or just to enjoy the weekend together.”

“I enjoy being brotherhood chair of the Xi chapter of Theta Tau because I get to be involved during our chapter meetings. It is great to hear what members want and to help our brothers come together and truly utilize the perks of being a member of a fraternity. On a personal level, I have become closer with many members through event planning and during the events because I get to bond with members who I may not see as often in my daily life. I love seeing the participation at Food Fridays and various other brotherhood events and hope our brothers continue to participate in these events so our fraternity can be as wholesome as possible.”                      – Jasmine Shah